Nous avons célébrer tous ensemble notre Christmas Party. C’était vraiment sympa! La soirée en anglais de Noël a été accompagné avec des champagnes soupes, des quiz que les participants ont écrit et fait eux même. Nous avons ensuite tous joué à « White Elephant » ou chacun s’est littéralement battu pour avoir le meilleur cadeau. C’est un bon début des fêtes !

Happy Christmas To ALL

The French American Center

5 commentaires
  1. what a party!
    Very good Vibes!
    Thank you for all, we’re a good team between students because you’re very good teachers and also very good actor!
    special thanks to Jane and Dave!
    I wish you a very Christmas and a wonderful Happy New Year!
    and nice pictures! 🙂

  2. a merry sorry hihi! 😉

  3. Thank you all for everything!
    We’ve had lots of fun yesterday evening! The Xmas gifts exchange game was realy awesome and funny (even thought I won’t ever be able to come some day to the French American Center with some fresh housemade Eiffel tower cookies !!!!! :p )
    Hope to share lots of those nice games w/ everybody again 😉
    I wish you all a merry Xmass and can’t wait to see you on tjr 17th to wish you a happy new year!
    May Santa be generous to you!

  4. It was a wonderful and smiling Xmas party !
    Best wishes ! Carpe Diem Nicole

  5. Special thanks to Alison and Sabina too.


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