The French American Center

Welcome to the French American Center Blog.  Bookmark us and check back soon for new content coming.

We’ll be discussing our various programs such as Au Pair in America, Camp America, Au Pair in England, English lessons, and more.  We’re all about cultural exchange.  So if you’re interested in all things Franco-Anglo, this is a blog for you!

3 commentaires
  1. je veux etre jeune fille au pair aux US l’année prochaine. Je suivrai donc votre nouveau blog avec plaisir !!

  2. Nous sommes à votre disposition au French American Center. Nous pouvons, par exemple, vous mettre en contacte avec des jeunes filles qui ont déjà été au pair. See you soon! Jeanette

  3. Hi Jeanette! I’m pretty bad to stay in touch with people but this blog is a super idea. I’ll check it every single days!
    And of course, I’ll share with pleasure my experience for Camp America Program. Don’t forget i’m still around for meetings and stuffs as we did last year.
    I really have to come say “hi” to Kenny and you some of these days.

    Have a nice afternoon

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