Here are two recent book reviews that will be featured at Les Belles Etrangères: Aux Etats-Unis in participation with Jeanette Franklin (director of the French American Center) this friday 20 November 2009 at médiathèque centrale d’Emile Zola at 7 pm. THE GOOD THIEF by Hannah Tinti On
Lire la suite →Last Thursday some lucky French American Center cheese and wine aficionados got together to celebrate some of southern France’s best cheese and wine. It was a magical multicultural event, interrupted only by the English students who gazed jealously at those of us with wine glasses and plastic
Lire la suite →Are you wondering how to tackle the skills section of your Camp America dossier? Well, we have compiled a list of the Top Ten Skills for which camp directors are looking. No, it’s not exhaustive, but it should give you an idea of some of the most in demand skills.
Don’t have any of the skills listed here? That’s okay! There are many other skills that are necessary to running the Camp America camps!. Take a look at your Camp America Application site for more details.
Voici une vidéo d’Anais qui a passé un an en tant que jeune fille au pair aux Etats Unis avec le French American Center. Elle témoigne sur ses expériences, l’amélioration de son anglais et encore ! [flashvideo file=wp-content/uploads/au-pair-usa-temoignage.flv image=wp-content/uploads/au-pair-usa-temoignage-video.jpg link= description=temoignage-d’une-fille-au-pair-aux-etats-unis-avec-le-French-American-Center caption=temoignage title=fille-au-pair-raconte-son-année-fille-au-pair-aux-States /] Video – Témoignage
Lire la suite →Nouvelles d’Anais – fille au pair aux USA Bonjour à tous, Voila deux mois que je suis fille au pair aux Etats-Unis, tout cela grace a la precieuse aide du French American Center. Il serait mentir de dire que les debuts ne sont pas difficiles, ils le
Lire la suite →Nous avons fêté encore une fois notre soirée Halloween – une animation culturelle qui a lieu tous les ans au French American Center.
Lire la suite →Je ne suis plus un enfant, loin de là ! Cependant quand j’ai vu tous les enfants qui sont venus experimenter les jeux, chansons, contes et couleurs de la fête de Halloween au French American Center cette année, cela me donne toujours la même joie que quand j’étais
Lire la suite →Witches. Small Ones. Everywhere. Attempting to locate any particular miniature sorcière at the French American Center’s annual Halloween Party was an activity for only the most attentive of parents. However, myself and the thirteen other English teachers and volunteers found ourselves tasked with this ‘amazing opportunity’ Saturday
Lire la suite →One of my favourite Animations Culturelles Last night, the French American Center celebrated Halloween once again. It’s one of my personal favourite Animations Culturelles. It was a great night out with tons of great costumes. We had a great turn out, young and old. So now that
Lire la suite →Welcome to the French American Center Blog. Bookmark us and check back soon for new content coming. We’ll be discussing our various programs such as Au Pair in America, Camp America, Au Pair in England, English lessons, and more. We’re all about cultural exchange. So if you’re
Lire la suite →
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